Study of immunization knowledge, attitude and practice among mothers of Children from 0-5 years in keraniganj upazilla health complex, Dhaka


Gursharan Kour1 , Anushuya Baniya2 , Punam Rai3 , Monowar Ahmad Tarafdar4


Materials and methods: This was a KAP study conducted among mothers of children from 0 to 5 years on expanded program on immunization (EPI) using a semi-structured questionnaire employing purposive sampling technique with a sample size of 180 in Upazilla Health Complex, Keraniganj, Dhaka by face to face interview.
Result: Most of the respondents (45%) were of the age group (20-25) years and majority (80%) were Muslim and 88.33% were married; 64.4% was educated up to primary level with 65.5% having monthly income between 5000-10000 taka. Majority 73.33% had institution delivery with 46.66% having birth order 1. Respondents having knowledge on TT vaccine, antenatal vaccine, pentavalent vaccine, BCG vaccine, MR vaccine and Hib vaccine were 75%,85%,93.3%,84.4%,81.7% and 15% respectively. 100% of them had knowledge on OPV while only 32.77% knew about IPV. Respondents having knowledge on adverse reaction during vaccination 90.55%, on vaccination during minor illness 45%, on correct data of vaccination82.77%, on Awareness on vaccination given by EPI 95% , on special vaccination administration 34.4% and on willingness to give special vaccination 58.34%. 97.8% knew the importance of vaccination, 76.66% had knowledge on danger of non-vaccination while only 51.66% of them had immunized their previous child. The study revealed that the reasons for drop out from vaccination schedule and shows that 28.20% were unaware about the seriousness of the diseases, 23.10% lack of time, mother's sickness, 20.50% forgetfulness, 15.38% laziness of the mother and only 12.82% due to mother's illness were the reasons for drop out from vaccination.
Conclusion: This study recommends effective strategies which focus on improving the mother's knowledge, attitude and practice on immunization for better health outcomes of their growing children

Keywords: mmunization, Knowledge, Vaccine

  1. Oberoi Nursing Home and Surgical Center, Pathancot, Punjab, India

  2. Kirtipur Hospital, Kirtipu, Nepal

  3. Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lagankhel, Lalitpur, Nepal

  4. Professor, Department of Community Medicine

    Zainul Haque Sikder Women's Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka

Volume 5, Number 1, January 2023
Page: 38-42