Volume 6
Number 2, July 2024Impact of physical activity and diet counseling on the management of Type-2 Diabetic patients undergoing vitamin D supplementation: A Follow-up Study
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47648/zhswmcj.2024.v0602.02
Begum N1 , kawser M2 , Tarafdar MA3 , Islam SK4
Objectives: Aimed to determine the impact of dietary advice and regular physical activities on the blood glucoselevel among Type-2 diabetic mellitus (T2DM) patients undergoing vitamin D supplementation.
Methodology: Thisstudy was conducted among 124 (Intervention=61, Placebo=63) T2DM patients aged 30-70 years from 2019 to 2020.Socio-demographic characteristics, 24-hour physical activities, 24-hour food recalls, and laboratory analysis of bloodVitamin D, HbA1C and FBS were estimated at baseline and after 3-month. The impact of vitamin D supplementation,physical activity, and diet counseling on the management of T2DM was measured in multivariable analysis by repeatedmeasure ANOVA.
Results: The mean age of respondents was 46.4±9.6 years, majority were illiterate 21(34%) witha mean income 31,098.4 BDT; 63.9% have been suffering from T2DM for <5 years and 56% have a strong familyhistory of Diabetes. It was observed that reducing sedentary lifestyles and increasing physical activity increasedcalorie expenditure across timelines but not between groups (P>0.05). No significant differences were observed forphysical activity levels between groups (Intervention and placebo). Consuming less Carbohydrates and increasingphysical activity indicated a corresponding lowering of fasting blood glucose levels but not HbA1c. Compliancewith physical activity indicated higher total energy expenditure by the intervention group (2448 kcal) than placebo(2364 kcal). The biochemical profile indicated that vitamin D helps to reducing the fasting blood glucose (10.9 to 8.4mmol/L) levels along with diet restriction and increased physical activity.
Conclusion: Advice on simple carbohydraterestriction and increased walking has an impact on lowering fasting blood glucose level but not HbA1C undergoingvitamin D supplementation.
Keywords: Dietary advice, Physical activity, Carbohydrate restriction, Vitamin D Supplementation, Type-2 Diabetes
- Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine and Public Health
- Institute of Nutrition and Food Science
- Professor, Department of Community Medicine and Public Health
- Professor, Institute of Nutrition and Food Science